More Pavilion Highlights New Technologies
More Pavilion Highlights New Technologies
Instant Purchase with your mobile
Launch yourself ino the m-commerce and m-payment world of tomorrow: scan the product, its picture or its QR code with the innovative mobile app "Achat Flash" ("Instant Purchase ") and finalize your purchase in less than 10 seconds. "Instant Purchase " boasts two major innovations: the 3D objects recognition and integrated management of an electronic safe... No more data to memorize or type: you get direct access to the product, log into your web account and pay by simple validation. With "Flash Purchase", the customer experience a real mobility and cross-canal.
"Flash Purchase" is born from the synergy of three expert partners: Trust Designer, Phoceis and FB2L-Facto.
- Trust Designer: expert in security and mobile identification technologies. The digital safe is interacting with remote sites to safely exchange personal identification and payment data.
- Phoceis: expert in contact-less technologies and mobile applications design for m-commerce. The combination of three technologies - NFC, QR code and image recognition - enables the identification of a product in any circumstances.
- FB2L-Facto: expert in image recognition through to high-performance algorithms.These algorithms allow real-time 3D object recognition.
Shopping Tomorrow at More Pavilion
Making sense of the latest consumer trends and the impact of new technologies on retail property is the central focus of the More VISION by MAPIC programme. With the explosion of online retailing, More VISION by MAPIC was delivering a strategic overview of shopping tomorrow, together with live illustrations in the exhibition area.
Traders take out their joker
The mobile PassVip showcased by Phipippe Lehartel, President of the company "Stratégie Sites et Commerces" (Sites and Shops Stategy), is a new smartphone app launched last July, offering an interesting shopping experience. This application allows traders to increase the turnover of a point of sale by increasing the potential customer visit and recruiting new customers via geolocation on smartphones of nearby commerce. This new tool also allows merchants to attract new customers but also to bring back old ones by keeping them informed of their news on their smartphone, their turnover being thereby immediately increased.
The application logo was designed by the firm Saguez and Partners, consultancy agency in global design and brand identity.
New Shopping Experience 3.0
Smartphones, tablets, connected TVs and computers, all these new screens are largely integrated at the consumer's home. Idées-3com with its partner Decathlon proposed at MAPIC 2012 a continuous experience between the user's smartphone or tablet, allowing the latter to exercise a fun activity while having the opportunity to be well advised in sport shopping.
In partnership with Ideas 3com, Atos World Line Decathlon and the brand Aptonia (food supplement for athletes), here is TV to Store: how to use the connected TV to create a new close relationship between the customer and the distributor? By enriching the programs followed by the viewer with personalized informations, to get him more involved in the act of purchase.
In the case of a of fitness TV show, for example, the viewer can follow a training program tailored after the indicated physiological data (sex, weight and age). This program will advise a rhythm and products tailored to his needs in hydration and nutrition during exercise.
At any time he can call the closest store. The counselor-seller replies instantly by video/chat, to recommend activities to follow or products to buy. The seller may remotely from his device, display on the users' TV some product sheets corresponding to their needs. In addition, sports exercises are directly connected to the viewer's social networks. He can support his "friends", or challenge them in an at distance bike race !
Critizr, an app that makes the customer a king
Founded by Nicolas Hammer and Thibaut Carlier Hammer in 2011, the start-up Critizr has developed a free mobile app to help and protect consumers. Who has never felt annoyed by too long a service or by an endless queue or gone out products in shelves? And the means put in place to interact with officials (forms, questionnaires...) are often inadequate and unanswered. With Critizr, everyone can simply send a note from their smartphone (problem, compliment, question, suggestion) to any point of sale in France. Using an algorithm, it is transferred directly to the manager who can respond personally. A powerful concept to put the consumer at the center of the consumption process, which has already been adopted by some big names such as Auchan, Carrefour, Alto Café, Autolib... as well as by thousands of small traders.
With a press enthusiastic about the product quality, effective word of mouth and through well-developed online communication, the application has already been downloaded nearly 50,000 times. The young start-up plans 100,000 users for the beginning of 2013. Critizr has everything to impose progressively as the benchmark of mobile customer relationship management in France. A potential also praised in the latest edition of the prestigious Hub Forum in Paris by a nomination in the category "Digital Start-up of the Year".