
T-Cuento Solutions For Intelligent Trade

T-Cuento presented at MAPIC 2013 TC- Street, a new tool for pedestrian traffic count in order to know and analyze the statistics of people transit time in the streets or in front of your business in an accurate way.

The assessment of pedestrian traffic, 24h/24h and in time slots through a specific monitoring is an aid to the decision maker to choose the best place to open a business. TC-Street helps to identify the benefits and/or risks of a specific location, according to the number of potential customers passing by a location. It evaluates a new criterion for retailers : the price per potential customer.
This information is used to determine the location of a store and concentrate the advertising effort during the most interesting hours and days of the week, while increasing business success.
Pedestrian traffic data collected by T-Cuento allow to rank different most profitable commercial streets, with monthly average data. It is also possible to know the cost per potential customer of each establishment.
TC- Street was born with the desire to make available to retailers, local owners, realtors, trade associations, consultants… quantitative data on pedestrian traffic of the main streets and commercial areas.
It gathers information on the flow of pedestrians passing in front of the sensors of the T-Cuento people counters installed on the shopping streets. There is also the possibility of tailor-made counts using the same technology through mobile counting units.

The sensors consist of a photoelectric cell that counts pedestrians walking on the sidewalk with an adjustable distance, without being affected by the brightness or climatology.
This new tool has been implemented on the Spanish market in 2012 with a network of people counters sensors spread over 500 commercial streets of 150 cities. To start this project, T- Cuento worked with 11 major retail chains such as Mango, Prénatal, Etam, Orchestra, Celio, Imaginarium or Benetton.
In Barcelona, one of the capitals of commerce in Europe, T- Cuento conducted a study based on monthly average data on the 5 most popular shopping streets throughout the first quarter of 2013. The result tells that the most profitable street is the Pelayo street with a cost per potential customer 0’03 € for a 100 m2 shop.

Founded in 2007 and being part of the applied engineering group Abantia since 2010, T- Cuento is a leader in the development and installation of  Retail Intelligence solutions with its main product, TC- Store.
It is a combination of hardware and software that allows access to measurement data able to identify opportunities for improvement and to increase business profitability through the measurement and study of customer behavior in outlets. Headquartered in Barcelona, with a Paris delegation of its own, T-Cuento is currently present in over 10 countries on 4 continents.


T-Cuento Solutions For Intelligent Trade was last modified: December 26th, 2013 by tamel

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