On the occasion of his good wishes to Nice Seniors, on January 28, Christian Estrosi, Deputy Mayor of Nice and President of Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, came back onto the events that marked the year 2012 and presented the new projects undertaken for 2013 to 2,000 seniors invited to the Acropolis Palace.
Since 2008, the City of Nice has been showing a strong desire to give all those who want to enjoy their retirement, the opportunity to fully live this time. 25,000 Nice seniors benefit from the actions implemented by the Delegation of Seniors and 17,000 Nice Seniors enjoy “Senior Pass” and “Nice Plus senior” cards. The “Nice Plus senior” card, free and easy to use, allows Seniors to benefit from many preferential prices in nearly 350 partners, merchants and organizations.
Christian Estrosi announced various contests and events for all to enjoy. Today, with the introduction of the “Senior Pass”, Seniors can enjoy 20 activities throughout the year for only € 40 per year. Jean-Michel Galy, Councillor delegate to the Seniors Citizenship and his team continues to enrich them, being ever more inventive, including animations on the Pierre Gautier place by our Seniors with:
– “Seniors en forme” (Fit Seniors): a session moderated by Sonia Fiuza will take place on Pierre Gautier Place every Tuesday morning, replacing the session at Albert 1er Gardens,
– Artseniors: one afternoon per month, works by Nice and Metropolis seniors will be displayed on the place,
– “La scène est à vous” (The stage is yours): In the spring, an open stage with theatrical performances, musical expression, dance and leisure activities will be offered one afternoon per month on the site,
– “Seniors make their movie”: this summer, a senior cinema cycle will be proposed on the site.
Seniors will also take part to an iconic can’t-miss event in Nice life: Carnival. On Tuesday, February 19: participation of 40 seniors in the Carnival parade.
Christian Estrosil also announced the opening of the 7th House of Seniors in the building called ” La Goutte de Lait” (The Drop of Milk) at 12, rue Scaliero in Nice.
Pictures: City of Nice
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