The competition closed today at Cannes Film Festival with Cloud of Sils Maria by Olivier Assayas and Leviathan by Andreï Zviaguintsev.

Courtesy Festival de Cannes
Sils Maria by Olivier Assayas
Theater is life. A young actress, Maria Enders, found at the age of 18 years the role with which she fulfilled her full potential and has been successful in the theater.
She played Sigrid, an ambitious young girl with trouble (voir mot) charm who leads to suicide Helena, a more mature woman.
Twenty years later, her world is shaken when she is asked to resume playing this piece, but, this time, on the other side of the mirror, in the role of Helena, when a young starlet is to play her former role…
Maria Enders explores the richness, the complexities of the characters who, twenty years later, have not yet revealed all their secrets.
Is Maria Enders the girl who once played Sigrid in the film by Wilhelm Melchior, or is she the adult, mature woman referred to in the eyes of others?
With Juliette Binoche, Kristen Stewart, Chloë Grace Moretz

Courtsesy Festival de Cannes
Leviathan by Andreï Zviaguintsev
After The Return and Elena, Andrei Zvyagintsev addresses the theme of anguish of a man facing the uncertainty when the future is threatening him and make him fear for his family.
Be the society in which we live developed or archaic, we will necessarily be confronted with the choice to live as a slave or a free man. Must a man give up his freedom, his sole authentic richness, in exchange for security?
In Northern Russia, on the Barents Sea, Kolya manages an autorepair shop in a small town. He lives with his young wife Lilya and son Roma in the house next to his workshop. Vadim, the mayor of the city, is coveting Kolya’s estate, his home and garage, to realise some projects.
As Kolya does not want to sell and lose not only his land, but also the beauty that surrounds since its birth, Vadim becomes more aggressive and threatening, and will stop at nothinhg to take possession of Kolya’s property.
With Alexeï Serebriakov, Elena Liadova, Vladimir Vdovitchenkov
The Red Carpet
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