Candidate to the French Tech label, the French Riviera has hosted on Oct. 3 the national French Tech delegation in Sophia Antipolis to highlight the strengths and ambitions of the territory.
The Côte d’Azur, bidding for the French Tech label, received on October 3, 2014, a delegation including David Monteau, Director of the French Tech Mission, Clara Deletraz, Deputy Director of the French Tech Mission, Olivier Rouxel, Côte d’Azur referent to the Direction Générale des Entreprises, and representatives of Bpifrance, Caisse des Dépôts and Direccte.
A major issue
The national delegation met with actors of the Côte d’Azur French Tech and assessed the strengths and ambitions of the territory described in the application submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital.
The territories to be labeled ‘French Tech’ will receive a 215 million euros budget to support the acceleration of start ups programs and their international visibility.
A busy schedule
In the morning, the delegation met with digital technology entrepreneurs and investors from the French Riviera and visited the infrastructures dedicated to digital.
By mid-day, the “Pic’TIC” (tech picnic) gathered on the SophiaTech campus the digital community for the first French Tech ‘dronie’, created by the company WebElse.
The political leaders of the territory involved in the submission then exposed the strengths of the French Riviera to the French Tech national mission. Christian Estrosi, MP – Mayor of Nice and President of Nice Côte d’Azur Métropole and David Lisnard, Mayor of Cannes and Vice President of the General Council, fervent promoter of digital, addressed the delegation.
In the afternoon, the application has been studied in detail at Nice Premium.
The French Tech Côte d’Azur application
The French Riviera presents a single application gathering the Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, the Communauté d’Agglomération Sophia Antipolis, the Communauté d’Agglomération de Grasse and the Communauté d’Agglomération des Pays de Lérins (Cannes). An application supported by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes, the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur, the Nice Sophia Antipolis University and Team Côte d’Azur – the economic development agency -.
Assets and ambitions
To prove their ambitions, the Manager Club of Sophia Antipolis, the UPE 06, Telecom Valley and French Riviera Tech sparked a broad mobilization of entrepreneurs, obtaining over 600 signatures of support.
The French Riviera will be a territory where private investors will develop their start ups accelerators, thanks to its assets:
– thanks to Sophia Antipolis, the largest science park in Europe boasting a worldwide reputation, the French Riviera is one of the pioneers of French digital,
– a dynamic digital sector (7% growth in 2013) with a turnover of over 4 billion Euros in five strategic business areas: e-health, e-tourism and mobility, e-learning, e -energy and smart grids, e-environment…
– a growth sustained by the start ups in the next 20 years in a privileged environment: some 400 national and international events and 40 cycles of local events.
The French Riviera is committed
To get the label French Tech, the Riviera digital community is committed to supporting the growth of future ‘tech champions’ of the French Riviera with 50 new eligible start ups each year in a process of acceleration within 3 years and 10 new tech champions with international reach within 10 years.
The region now wishes to foster an international collective momentum.
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