The Lumineoles, a magical night show unprecedented on the French Riviera, has bewitched the Promenade du Paillon after dark on February 26, during Nice Carnival.
The free entertainment by the company “Porté par le Vent” – Carried by the Wind – offered by the City of Nice began Place Massena with the musical journeys of characters on the water mirror newly created Coulée Verte then gently stretched on the reflections of the water mirror. The enchanting spectacle of Lumineoles has the particularity to reveal all its beauty when the sun hides his.
Before many enthralled spectators, at 30 meters high, with in the background the swirling illuminated Big Wheel dominating the landscape of Nice reflecting itself in the mirror of water, it was then a huge parade of sumptuous chimeras looking like illuminated flying fish, changing color in turn, through pink, blue or green.
The show began with the wandering of dreamlike lit characters, three high stilt-walkers, three angels who gradually reached for the sky, deploying their slender wings. The magic of this poetic ballet continued with four Luminéoles, 15-meter long great birds of light with changing colors, began a wind dance in the sky, immersing the audience in contemplation and poetry.
The Lumineoles began ascending towards the heavens in a slow majestic ballet, performing dives and ascents, loke seabirds would do. A celestial ballet of unreal beauty. During that, on the ground, pilots were manipulating the flying motifs, the three stilt-walkers, two angels with gossamer wings and a flower with precious glitters, moved onto the sheet of water among light lilies. They paraded through the fountains and invited the graceful Lumineoles to join them.
An enchantment that lasted one hour and a half and plunged thousands of spectators in a magical world populated by magical characters bathed in a poetic and contemplative atmosphere.
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