Money Monster, Jodie Foster’s intense thriller starring Julia Roberts and George Clooney, stages the drama speculative finance can cause through TV shows.
Money Monster: claptrap is of no use when someone has nothing to loose! The money and the system that processes it, based on promises of easy speculative profits, can destroy a man. Any investment is risky, but the financial TV show Money Monster, hosted by the flamboyant star presenter Lee Gates, with a persuasive eloquence, turns stock market investment into a show full of pep, dance and… promises of earnings. But one day, a computer glitch wipes out $ 800 million…

The show must go on
Early in the film, Lee Gates (George Clooney) is far from imagining that he will have to pay for the damage of a stock transaction gone bad. Following an inexplicable computer glitch that makes the shares of the company Ibis plunge, Kyle Budwell (Jack O’Connell), a young investor ruined for following Money Monster investment advices, appear into the studio with a gun and holds Lee hostage, forcing him to wear a vest of explosives.
Jodie Foster follows the law of “the show must go on”, a great idea that will turn a drama into a show for millions of viewers. Until the police arrives and find a solution to the situation, Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts), the director of the show, gradually turns the hostage taking in TV show. Lee, usually master of improvisation, will have to find a serious idea to calm Kyle Budwell and stay alive.

A poignant story
Monster Money is an intelligent, exciting thriller, driven at hellish pace, with never falling suspense and pressure. The usual police militaria, blaring cars, febrile snipers and helicopters are there with its heaviness. But the film also addresses a deep issue, cruelly topical: the speculative stock market, the gains that are suggested, the wolves in the system who shear the small shareholders, sheep lured by the prospect of easy fortune, encouraged by more or less complicit media.
First terrorized, Lee regains control of the situation, assisted by Patty’s voice in his earpiece, and overcome the ordeal thanks to his experience and creativity. The scenario has two beautiful twists when Lee begs million of viewers to buy Ibis shares to live push them up, and when Kyle’s pregnant girlfriend arrives at the studio for a scene of anthology!
Before arriving at the tragic end, the protagonists leave the studio to walk in the street, and the film takes the tone of an opera.
Wall Street scratched
Wall Street, the questionable greed of speculative finance and the devastation caused among small shareholders, real victims in case of stock market crash, are in Jodie Foster’s line of sight. Over the revelations sought out in emergency by the show team, turned into investigative reporters to provide a response to the ruin of the desperate your man, appear graft and corruption. Jack O’Connell is impressive accuracy and achieves a feat alongside George Clooney and Julia Roberts – friends in real life – at the top of their game.
Life resumes its course in the epilogue of the film, Wall Street workings keep on turning, and the show goes on!..
Jodie Foster was revealed by Taxi Driver before starring in The Silence of the Lambs, Contact, Panic Room. In addition to her two Oscars (The Accused – 1988 and The Silence of the Lambs 1991) Jodie Foster was honored with two Golden Globes and three British Academy Award (BAFTA). Money Monster is the director’s fourth film after Little Man Tate (1991), Home for the Holidays (1996) and The Beaver (2011).

Money Monster by Jodie Foster
Out of Competition – 1h40
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