google-creative creative sandbox cannes lions 2014

Playful Google Sandbox at Cannes Lions 2014

At Cannes Lions 2014, The Plage To Be was the Google Beach on La Croisette, a ludic melting pot of digital experiment and eye-opening games and demos.

A meeting-place and forum for exchanges open to all International Festival of Creativity delegates, Google’s Creative Sandbox beach, on La Croisette close to the Palais, is a place of digital experiment and educational games mixed with the simple pleasure of being by the sea to relax between two seminars at Cannes Lions.

Encourage experimentation

On the Sandox, Goole was showcasing great achievements in digital creativity and highlighting ideas blendig technology, creativity and brand stories in exciting ways.
The place hosted daily lightning talks, workshops and demos designed to inspire and encourage experimentation and provide the creative community with a platform for collaboration and relationship building.

Play and Learn

The Google Sandbox was hosting 8 Google interactive demos and programme of talks on a Lightning Talk stage. It also provided delagates with one cocktail bar, a sunset social stage, and two restaurants.
One of the most attended game was the stand of T-Shirt creation where delegates could create their own colorfull design and  leave with a T-Shirt. Another crowded game: the “code your own juice bar”, a Bar Coder where people could create their cocktails by coding their ingredients with HTML tags. You thus could learn the basics of building for the web in a delicious and refreshing way, and – for SEO savvy people – make some “juice” with some freshly squeezed HTML!

Doing and inspiring

All demos this year had a focus on doing as well as inspiring: by getting visitors to participate rather than just watch Google aimed at enable people to leave Cannes armed with new skills to change the world…
As demos, you could try the famous Google Glass in many styles and have have your photo taken to share with your friends; using Lego’s colourful bricks your creativity could contribute to building the most mind blowing island off Cannes shores and keep on turning your ideas into 3D Lego through Chrome; the YouTube Ad Leaderboard was celebrating the ads that people wanted to watch.
With the Big Web Quiz, delegates could test their knowledge with questions generated from the Google Knowledge Graph. A Chrome Experiment, allowed to take a picture and send it to Photowall to instantly display it on the TV. You could also participate in a fun race of running toothbrush heads…
The Google Sandbox also offered a daily fun morning Yoga session as well as massages.
The look and feel of 2014 demos have been designed with the help of British graphic artist, print-maker and designer Anthony Burrill

At Cannes Lions, Google held two keynote seminars in the Palais and was sponsoring Lions Live which brings the best of Cannes to the  world.

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Playful Google Sandbox at Cannes Lions 2014 was last modified: July 3rd, 2014 by tamel

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