The Galerie Sapone, located in the heart of the city of Nice, presents a photo exhibition by Raph Gatti, photographer of AFP. It was inaugurated by Christian Estrosi, Deputy Mayor of Nice and President of Nice Côte d’Azur Metropole, his wife and many personalities.
Friend of Kessel, Chagall and many personalities he has photographed, it is manily his friendship and even his complicity with Picasso taht we find in these intimate pictures taken with the great artist. At this exhibition, you can find pictures of Picasso, the painter of Guernica with his deep and inquisitive look, in interior dress, casual, confidently smiling, fully engaged to his friend, without false modesty and privacy.
The discreet talented photographer liked to penetrate the depths of the soul of personalities he encountered and photographed by friendship and pure fun. You can see a completely different character, that of Jean Cocteau and his both childish and fragile smile, looking to seduce the one that looks at him by slightly posed postures. As Picasso, it is at home that he let his true self see the more easily, as in the photo taken at the Villa Santo Sospir in St Jean-Cap-Ferrat, with his close friends. We can also discover Jean Cocteau at work, in front of the magnificent work he has done with Raymond Moretti, The Age of Aquarius or when shooting a film such as “The Testament of Orpheus”.
It is a journey through friendship that this beautiful exhibition offers, some seldom moments set for ever on paper, which speaks of the friendship between Raph Gatti and artists Pablo Picasso and Jean Cocteau, but also the Raph Gatti friendship with Sapone.
The Galerie Sapone, created 37 years ago, is in connection with the best Italian, European, American galleries and museums. It has become an international reference in the heart of unique exhibits. It is located in the heart of the city of Nice, close to the famous Promenade des Anglais, in a neighborhood that has many art galleries. Many works (paintings, sculptures, photographs) of artists from diverse backgrounds are exposed throughout the year.
Exhibition until July 20, 2013
Galerie Sapone – 25, boulevard Victor Hugo à Nice
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