Monastère Fortifié & Abbaye ©Mairie de Cannes
#JaimeLerins! use this hashtag on Tweeter, Facebook & Instagram support messages for the restoration of the Lérins Fortified Monastery to gain 1 € each time.
#JaimeLérins is the hashtag to use in messages of support or photos to support the restoration of the Saint-Honorat Fortified Monastery on the Lérins Islands. The restoration work are to start end of 2016.

Monastère Fortifié ©Mairie de Cannes
An innovative communication action
The Fondation du Patrimoine (Heritage Foundation) has just celebrated 20 years of dedication to cultural heritage.
To celebrate their 10 years of partnership in sponsorship, the Heritage Foundation and the Fondation Total launched an innovative communication initiative to support the restoration of the Fortified Monastery on the Ile Saint-Honorat, one of the Lérins Islands in the gorgeous Bay of Cannes.

Dom Vladimir Gaudrat, François-Xavier Bieuville & François Tribot-Laspierre
Goal: collect 30,000 €
From June 29 to July 31, 2016, each message of support or photo of the Fortified Monastery publicly published on Tweeter, Facebook and Instagram or on the Web site dedicated to the operation and accompanied (necessarily) with the hashtag #JaimeLérins, will result in the payment of € 1 by the two foundations for the restoration of the eleventh century building, unique in the world.
The goal of the operation is to raise € 30,000.
A classed site off Cannes
Open to the public, the Fortified Monastery remains the emblem of the Saint-Honorat island, a classed and protected site off the bay of Cannes, property of the Cistercian Congregation of the Immaculate Conception. Besides the Fortified Monastery of the eleventh century, the congregation has a splendid nineteenth century abbey and seven chapels around the perimeter of the island. One of these chapels, the Chapel Saint Sauveur is part of the restoration program. Archaeological excavations by the University of Nice have established that it housed the remains of an unknown Saint, possibly St. Vincent of Lerins.

A building to be restored
Because of its location, the stones directly in the Mediterranean, the Fortified Monastery was severely weakened by centuries of exposure to marine elements. Despite having being partially restored thanks to Prosper Mérimé in the 19th century, the stone building shows cracked vaults and walls, degraded masonry and soils, missing and corroded woodwork… The monastery will be restored it to its original medieval appearance.

Chapelle Saint Sauveur
Find his roots
Social networks thus come to the aid of the Fortified Monastery of Saint-Honorat Island and the history of Cannes, shaped by the Lérins monks, who managed the city and were its benefactors. At the launch of the operation, David Lisnard, Mayor of Cannes, recalled that “to evolve, Man needs roots, and culture and the heritage are the substrate to these roots.”
Signature of the campaign
In the presence of David Lisnard, Mayor of Cannes, the signature of the campaign #JaimeLérins took place on June 29 at the Fortified Monastery, between Dom Vladimir Gaudrat Abbot of Saint Honorat, François-Xavier Bieuville, CEO of the Heritage Foundation and François-Tribot Laspierre, from the Total Foundation.
Thanks to the support from the Total Foundation, the Heritage Foundation has supplied an aid of € 200 000 in 2015 as part of the restoration project. In addition, a subscription in favor of the Fortified Monastery and the Saint-Sauveur chapel was launched with the Lérins Abbey. € 54 000 have already been raised, with an additional grant of € 17,000 from its own funds for the Foundation.
Click on pictures to enlarge – ©YesICannes.com – All rights reserved
- Dom Vladimir Gaudrat, David Lisanrd, François Tribot-Laspierre & François-Xavier Bieuville
- Chapelle Saint Sauveur et fouilles
- Dom Vladimir
- L’abbaye
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