Davidoff Cigars presented at TFWA WE 2014 in Cannes its Gift Collection 2014, the travelers’ ideal gift for cigar aficionados this holiday season.
Because Davidoff takes the time to make it beautifully, every cigar has been carefully designed and crafted by experts with great knowledge and deep passion.
TFWA WE 2014 was the occasion for Davidoff Cigars to present the travelers a beautifully designed Gift Collection 2014 to surprise and delight aficionados around the world with a wide array of taste experiences and pleasures themed Time Beautifully Filled, in time for this holiday season.
Broad selection of premium cigars
The eclectic collection of Davidoff assortments has been created to cater to the aficionados’ blend, taste experience and format preferences. These ideal gifts also allow aficionados to discover Davidoff’s broad selection of premium cigars and to fill their time beautifully – whether in moments of holiday celebration, sharing them with close friends and family, or enjoying them in personal contemplation at this very special time of the year.
Wrapped in an elegant holiday sleeve, the stylish Davidoff Gift Collection 2014 includes fine Davidoff cigars with blends to savour every day of the holidays and Christmas season.
New range different assortments
Davidoff Holiday Assortment Sleeves:
Davidoff Assortment of 9 cigars
Robusto Collection of 5 cigars
Puro d’Oro Collection of 4 cigars
Millennium Blend Assortment of 4 cigars
Tubos Assortment of 3 cigars
Short Pleasures Assortment of 4 cigars
Inspirational Robusto Assortment of 3 cigars
These limited edition Davidoff Gift Collections 2014 will be available at Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Depositaires from November 2014 worldwide.
Master’s evening on the Croisette
On the illuminated world-famous Croisette, walked along by celebrities, Oettinger Davidoff AG and its partners Fauchon, Flor de Caña and Neuhaus invited some 300 guests to enjoy a relaxing Time Beautifully Filled evening at the Plage du Festival.
Welcomed by the aroma of the Davidoff Nicaragua line, the guest have discovered the newly launched Nicaragua Diadema cigar by Davidoff Masterblender Mr. Henke Kelner. The prestigious evening started with Champagne and the delicious appetisers and main courses based on Foie Gras by Fauchon. In the course of the culinary soirée, the guest enjoyed as well excellent rum-based cocktails and various original pralines and chocolates created onsite by famous Belgian chocolatier Neuhaus.
Davidoff’s CEO Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard charmingly underlined the credo of the Master’s evening: “Pleasure is always a luxury, but luxury is not always a pleasure.”
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