tous a table ecoparc mougins

Tous A Table at Mougins Eco’Parc

tous a table ecoparc mougins

The exhibition “Tous A Table” at Mougins Eco’Parc, from October 18, 2014 to March 8, 2015, in partnership with the Cité des Sciences, combines education, entertainment and fun for children to understand food.

In partnership with the Cité des Sciences in Paris, the Eco’Parc in Mougins expects more than 50,000 visitors – the new generations and their parents – to learn and understand the food and taste in a festive, fun and educational way.
This great interactive event on 3,000 sqm involves the visitors to understand how taste works, wonder about the origin of the products we eat and consume while respecting the environment and our health.

How to eat well

The exhibition puts conviviality and pleasure back into the heart of the issue, in relation to health and well-being. It answers many questions parents and children are asking themselves, revisits the dietary and nutritional guidelines, explains the basics of good nutrition. It participates in the food education of young people by stimulating curiosity and questions the visitors about their relationship to food.

Ludic and creative space

The course is marked out of thirty original interactive features, games, group or individual activities through multimedia and audiovisual. It is organized around five themes: Well in your plate; Why do you eat; the Food Survey; The Taste of Others and Hungry like a citizen.

tous a table ecoparc mougins

The 400 tastes Area

The area “The 400 tastes”, specially designed for 3-6 years, allows to young kids to master the content of the exhibition by the game and to share their findings with the older ones. Through forty experiences, the children test their taste buds, challenge all 5 senses and enrich their knowledge.
An very interactive course to enjoy step by step to understand the flavors and aromas, the sensations of hot and cold, but also perceive why it is crunchy and crisp. Discover the perception of textures, from sticky to rough… To your taste, get set, go!

Workshop Miam Miam

The tour of the funny stalls enables to discover what lies behind your everyday food. The cheese-maker, the butcher, the fishmonger, the grocer, the baker awaits young and old. Some books on food, on the varieties of fruits and vegetables, the taste, are available to visitors to deepen some aspects of the exhibition at the end of their visit.

tous a table ecoparc mougins

The Discovery Workshop

The objectives of the modern era are to meet our needs with respect for humanity and the Planet. Using interactive workshops designed and built by Cap Sciences, Eco’Parc makes travel – between real and virtual – in the heart of our lifestyles. Needs, resources, influences, what type of consumer are you? Explore the hidden face of products. Become an agent of the change. “Buy” eco-products in our shops and build step by step a more sustainable way of life!

Sensory analysis laboratory

After discovering the nutrition through very diverse topics, the young visitors are invited to develop their sense of taste in the sensory analysis laboratory. Visitors are installed in booths of tasters: Salty? Sweet? Acid? Bitter? Apple? Pear? Peach?… Just what you need for taste knowledge testing.

Self Info Meals (age 6)

The “Self Info Repas” is an invitation to discover a balanced diet, a source of information about food and their contributions to the body, a way to understand one’s eating habits and knowledge to be an actor of one’s health and make the link between diet, physical activity and wellness.

tous a table ecoparc mougins

02 Market (age 6)

In this workshop staging a supermarket, the child becomes an actor. Children are put in a purchasing situation with a specific goal to achieve. This purchasing situation, that is familiar to them, must also “destabilize” them, highlighting information to which they don’t necessarily pay attention during daily purchasing acts. Also, they will discover that beyond the economic cost, a “basket” has its environmental and social costs.

Photo exhibition by Peter Menzel

Through his photography, Peter Menzel depicts 15 family members from 15 countries and the products they consume in a week. They represent different realities in each continent: poor families and rich families, in the countryside or the city, a traditional or international food.

The workshops were designed and made by Cap Sciences.

The Eco’Parc in Mougins offers 300 free parking places around its 5 hectares park and its open air play area.
Direct access by the motorway rest area of Bréguières north et south and by the Route de la Valmasque.

Click on pictures to enlarge – © – All rights reserved

Tous A Table at Mougins Eco’Parc was last modified: June 12th, 2017 by tamel

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